Here you will find all events held by BSP careers service & the HelpHub. Even though the events have targeted audiences, feel free to pop in to any of the events and workshops if you're interested.

BSP Careers Introduction
Offers an introduction to the careers services and support available for BSP students, guiding them through the resources and opportunities to enhance their career prospects. BUPS will present on how we contribute to students' professional development throughout your university journey.

BSP Graduate Schemes Talk 1
Meet industry professionals and gain valuable insights into their experiences with graduate schemes and internship opportunities. Representatives from Boyer, Transport for London, Arup, and Quod will be present to share their expertise and career advice.

BSP Graduate Schemes Talk 2
Wednesday, 9 October 2024 | 6 - 8 PM
Meet industry professionals and gain valuable insights into their experiences with graduate schemes and internship opportunities. Representatives from Mott Macdonald, Savills, and GeraldEve will be present to share their expertise and career advice.

BSP Graduate Schemes Talk 3
Meet industry professionals and gain valuable insights into their experiences with graduate schemes and internship opportunities. Representatives from Montagu Evans, WSP, David Lock Associates, and Atkins will be present to share their expertise and career advice.

Internship Experience Sharing Session
A student-focused event where Year 3 students and alumni return to share their internship experiences. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and gain firsthand insights into various industries and roles.

BSP Expo
An exhibition that showcases selected student work from the BSP programs, highlighting urban design and planning proposals, as well as research projects completed throughout the academic year. It offers a glimpse into the innovative ideas and solutions developed by our faculty's students.