Here you will find a table with all major companies that are specialising either on urban planning, urban design or real estate. Click on the company's name to find out more.

key deadlines calendar
Here you will find the deadlines for various graduate schemes & internships opportunities. The list is in alphabetical order, scroll through to find a company you're interested in. Good luck!
Disclaimer: BUPS has made the best effort to ensure that the summary of deadlines is accurate. However, you should also check with individual companies and be responsible for meeting deadlines. The list is just for your reference and BUPS does not take responsibility if you unfortunately miss deadlines because of any possible errors/unupdated information in this list. You are encouraged to apply ASAP after a role is opened as it may close anytime before the deadline stated if a rolling basis is taken. You are also encouraged to explore other opportunities not stated on this list as this list only represents a tiny fraction of the wealth of career opportunities available.