Learning resources have been organised by:
Data basics - introduction to working with data
An introductory course for those who (want to) support researchers in storing, managing, archiving and sharing their research data.
DataBasic is a suite of easy-to-use web tools for beginners that introduce concepts of working with data.
Materials from the Vancouver Summer Program 2019 on Urban Big Data Analytics: This course will teach students how to harness the power of big data by mastering the way they are collected, organized, and analyzed to support better decision making in urban planning context.
Step by step tutorials for CityEngine
CityEngine can be used for GIS, as a rule-based massing tool and for layered data sets
Urban Skills Portal: Urban Mapping in GIS
The purpose of this workshop is to introduce the functionality of a Geographic Information System (GIS) through the production of a series of publication-ready maps.
ISD Digital Skills Development: An introduction to R with RStudio
A moodle resource provided by the UCL ISD Digital Skills Development to explain how to learn R with RStudio.
Managing Big Data with R and Hadoop
An introduction to the MapReduce paradigm for distributed data processing on a cluster. Some experience with R, statistics and matrix operations is recommended.
R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis
The goal of this lesson is to teach novice programmers to write modular code and best practices for using R for data analysis.
Learning resources provided by UCL
UCL Digital Skills Development
Provide a range of courses for UCL staff and students, both on- and offline.
This page provides a summary of the research IT training provided for UCL staff and students as well as some recommendations for online courses.
Large online catalogue of courses. All courses are free, only certifications have to be paid for.
Data Carpentry develops and teaches workshops on the fundamental data skills needed to conduct research.
GitHub is a development platform that hosts multiple projects on urban big data. Check out the Urban Data Science Toolkit or the Urban Big Data Analytics Summer Programme resources.
LinkedIn Learning is a great resource for software tutorials, and as a UCL student you get a free subscription - follow the log-in link from this page.
The society provides workshops and promotes other opportunities for learning. Their facebook page tends to be updated more regularly than the website.