news, ideas, inspirations

Arch daily is an online platform to collect and spread the most important information for architects seeking to build a better world. It contains extensive information on many projects around the world.

Planning is the essential information resource for town planning professionals in the UK, providing the latest impartial and in-depth news, analysis, planning appeals, policy and legislation and the latest jobs.

The Royal Town Planning Institute’s official magazine

Planetizen is an independent platform that creates, curates, and amplifies stories and resources to inform planning and people passionate about planning.

Discover how cities work, the challenges they face, and the solutions they need. It covers issues of design, culture, transportation, environment, economy, housing, justice and governance.

High quality scanned textures for free

Textures for buildings that can be seamlessly edited.

Daily cutout library for architects and 3D graphic designers.

Free library of CAD, DWG, silhouettes, vector people etc. Recently expanded to include trees and cars.

PNG Images, Pictures, Icons and Clip arts for design and web design purpose.
Books & readings

Peter Hall, 2014 [9781118456477] Peter Hall’s seminal Cities of Tomorrow remains an unrivalled account of the history of planning in theory and practice, as well as of the social and economic problems and opportunities that gave rise to it. Now comprehensively revised, the fourth edition offers a perceptive, critical, and global history of urban planning and design throughout the twentieth-century and beyond. Can be bought on Amazon or found in the Bartlett Library -